We are holding this competition to celebrate the scientific and professional excellence of veterinary practitioners who, while working in poultry farms, have been able to find new solutions to poultry problems or be the first to study the next new disease. When articles about serious scientific achievements in veterinary medicine are published in scientific journals, we very often forget about the work and talent of veterinary specialists in poultry farms, without which these articles would not have been published. Even more often, scientific articles by scientists from scientific research institutes would have remained scientific articles, the developments of respected companies would have remained on paper, if not for a practitioner who was able to introduce a new medicine, improve technology, and collect factual material. It would be fair to recall these doctors, who are actually not so few.
The award is given to veterinarians of poultry farms, manufacturing enterprises for scientific achievements, i.e. obtaining new scientific data on the pathology of poultry, new solutions to combat well-studied diseases, etc.
Nominations are accepted 2 days before the start of the conference.
Announcement of the winner – June 3, as part of the online conference “Veterinary in Poultry”. Information about the awarded doctors will be published on the website Veterina.ru and in the community «Veterinary medicine in poultry farming» . The decision to award the award is made by the Program Committee of the Veterinary in Poultry Conference.
Please send information about potential nominees and a description of scientific achievements to the head of the program committee of the conference “Veterinary Science in Poultry Farming” Afonyushkin Vasily Nikolaevich lisocim@mail.ru